Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 Months

Guess who's three months old?

What are you up to these days?

  • You are 13 lbs. 15 oz.

  • You are finally off oxygen!

  • You are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothing and a size 2 diaper

  • You usually go to bed around 10 pm and are up at 2 am to eat and back to sleep until around 6 -6:30 am

  • You love your swing

  • You are a very happy and smiley baby

  • You are trying to roll over and pull yourself up into a sitting position

  • You are content to lay and watch your brothers and sister

  • You smile constantly when we talk to you

You are a joy to be around and we all love you very much. I am so lucky to be your Mommy.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Comedian of the Family

Mason is the funniest little guy. He makes me smile and laugh all day long. How could you not smile at this face?

He is obsessed with cars and tools. He walks around the house all day long with his "tools" and fixes things for me. Things I didn't even know needed fixing!

Preferably not his brother.
I have a list of words he has made up and things he has said in his baby book, but I thought I would share them.
Looping - this is what happens when you throw something down the stairs.
Me: Mason, stop throwing toys down the stairs
Mason: I not throwing.
Me: What are you doing:
Mason: Looping. (Throws a toy down the stairs) loop, loop, loop, loop
Booming - this is what you call it when you pound something on the counter.
Tom and I took Mason and Hudson to the grocery store one weekend and they were both riding in separate carts. I had taken two steps away from the cart to look at something and the next thing I know Mason is calling to a lady down the aisle - "You get me out" and was holding his arms up to her. I couldn't stop laughing.
When we went to the doctor's office to get our flu shots, he cried for a minute and then looked at his band-aid and said "What happened me?" and then asked for a sucker.
Today we were getting ready to go outside to get Aubrey and Chase off the school bus and I had wrapped Hudson up in his blanket. I told Mason I thought he looked like a burrito. He looked at me with a serious expression and in his little baby voice said "You can't eat him."
I love this kid.
And just because I can't get enough of that grin:

Hope you have a wonderful day.

Monday, October 18, 2010

What a Weekend!

Our wonderful weekend started off on Friday with Hudson's doctor appointment with Anne. He saw Anne for the first time when he was a week old in the hospital. She is the Nurse Practioner at the Pulminologist's office. She is one of the nicest people we have ever met and she loves babies! She has a 5 month old at home.

This is Hudson before the appointment:

And here is our boy now:

No more oxygen!!! We are ecstatic and needless to say - so is he. Tom went back to work after his appointment and I waited for the kids to come home from school. We went to Costco that night (and spent way to much money) and then to Big Boy for dinner.

The next morning we all got ready for Aubrey's last cheer game. Hard to believe six weeks have already passed. She has already said she wants to cheer again next year.

This is one of her coaches Annie.

This is her other coach Lexi. The girls had Homecoming that night so they were off after the game to get hair and make-up done. Hope they had fun!

Cheering on the team.

From there we went home to watch the Spartans win again! And then we went to Meijer to buy the makings for S'mores.
Back home again and Hudson got comfortable for the night. We watched the Ohio State game and were quite upset that they lost. Hudson even wore his colors for his Papa!

After Mason went to bed, Aubrey and Chase went outside with Tom and had a great dessert!

On Sunday, Aubrey went to Sunday school and then we went and picked up Subway. After lunch we went to the park. Forgot my camera so unfortunately I don't have any pictures.
Afterwards we bombarded Uncle Josh and Aunt Angie and then took a drive to look at landscaping so we can get some ideas. A quick stop by our friends Andy and Johnna's house and we went home.
All in all it was a great weekend.

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Big Game

We've been enjoying Indian Summer these last few days. It was a beautiful, sunny day yesterday to go and watch Aubrey cheer. I can't believe she only has one more game left. She has so enjoyed it and has made a lot of new friends.

Here is her cheer squad:

Yesteday was also the big MSU/Michigan game. We all had our game colors on. I wanted to get a picture of our whole family but by the time we were all dressed and together, Hudson was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up. Tom went to a friends house to watch the game, so we missed out.

I did get a picture of me and the newest man in my life though.

And the Spartans won! Yeah - that means it will be a good weekend in our house.
Today, I took Aubrey to Sunday school and then Aubrey, Mason, Hudson and I went to the grocery store afterwards. We came home and put groceries away and had grilled cheese sandwiches. I took Hudson and we went to the go look for some new clothes for Mommy. I am in desperate need of some clothes that fit - no more maternity clothes for me!
We had Mini Italian Meatball sandwiches for dinner. The kids loved them and so did we.
A big week ahead of us - Hudson has his doctor appointment on Friday. We'll find out if he is doing better or not.

Friday, October 8, 2010

It's About Time

After almost two years of reading others blogs and thinking that I would start one tomorrow, it's finally here. I am still working on making it look how I want, but.... here it is!

I wanted to be able to share pictures and the things the kids do and keep a record of my kids lives.

Stay tuned..... there will be more later.

And just for a teaser:

Have a wonderful Friday!